Can You Escape Adventure Level 6 Walkthrough
Can You Escape Adventure Level 6 Walkthrough and Solutions for Android, iPhone and iPad. There are more puzzles that you can find in the game of Can You Escape Adventure which will also give you Can You Escape Adventure Level 6 Walkthrough as your last solution to cope with those puzzles. Furthermore, this walkthrough will also give you everything you need to help you complete the level easily. Following details will be those you need to beat this level in very simple way as the last key to go to the next level.
Can You Escape Adventure Level 6 Walkthrough and Answers
What you are going to do first time is to tap the bookcase that you can find on the right side. After that you will find an elephant statue to take. Once finished with this, you need to go to the bookcase on the left and tap it. The elephant statue that you got before needs to be placed there in the empty spot in the row. Furthermore, the elephants you find here needs to be rearranged so that it will be in the order that started from the largest to the smallest. Once it is finished, you will see a snake.
The chest on the left is the next thing that you need to tap so that there will be a green picture hidden underneath it that you are going find and later to collect. Take it once you see it. Now you need to go to the gold picture frame. Tap it and place the green picture into the center. To complete the picture of the snake, you need to rearrange the puzzle to complete this section of riddle.
Next, you need to go the coat rack in the back and tap it. You need also to move the sombrero and also the black hat so that you will find one grey bird statue. After that, you can go to the chest and change the number this way
- Elephant (statues) = 7
- Birds (coat rack) = 1
- Snakes (picture and statue) = 2
If the numbers you enter work, you will have the key to escape from this level and continue to the next level.
Though it might be quite difficult to complete the level, Can You Escape Adventure Level 6 Walkthrough will be your best solution to continue the level. Next, there will be more levels with harder difficulty to complete.