Enigmon Level 1-5 Walkthrough
Enigmon Level 1-5 Walkthrough, Answers, Solutions and Cheats for iPhone, iPad and Android developed by Inaya Team on Google Play and EBR Inaya on iTunes. It seems that there are more supports that you are going to have in Enigmon since you will find these Enigmon Level 1-5 Walkthrough to help you answers those riddles you can find in this game. As it comes with more difficult riddle to solve, you will find these answers below will help you complete the level. Following Walkthrough are the first 5 levels of this game which will help you cope with those early levels of this game. Find out how each answer for each level will help you solve the riddle simply.
Enigmon Level 1-5 Walkthrough and Solutions
Level 1
To beat this level, you need to deal with the key that you will see on your device screen. What you need to do is to hold your thumb on it while turning your device on its side. After that, you need to turn your device as you turn a key. This is how you complete this level.
Level 2
The bat is the riddle in this level. To complete the level, you need to make the bat sleep by turning your device upside down. This way you will make the bat sleep and you can continue to the next higher level.
Level 3
There will blackout screen you find in this level. What you are going to do is to find a white dot by tapping around the black screen. Once you have found the white dot, you need to swipe it around until you find the word “balloon”. Now you need to type the word on the chat box available to continue the level.
Level 4
You will find that the solution might be quite silly, but there are will be two options you are going to find here. The first option is that you blow the balloon by blowing your device’s audio receiver. This way you can make the purple balloon inflate. Continue blowing until the balloon touch the red pin and blown. You will find the word “boom” on your screen and it will also be the answer that you can type on the chat box to complete the level. The other option is to easily type the word “balloon” on the chatbox without doing those blowing thing.
Level 5
By hitting the home button, you will find the key to continue to level 6. However, there are also same device you will see on your screen. You need to hit the home button of the second iPhone device on the screen and now hit your actual iPhone. You might find that you exit the game, but by hitting the home button once again you will move to the level 6.
Though it might not be that complicated, you need to pay attention on even the smallest detail that you will help you complete the level. Those Enigmon Level 1-5 Walkthrough will be your last option to help you complete those levels.