Iconic Answers Level 6-10
Iconic Answers Level 6-10 for Android, iPhone and iPad – Iconic is a game that tests your logic and reasoning skills to solve simple (and sometimes hard!) Icon Puzzles! Obviously the game starts off simple, but you will soon find that the difficulty level in the game starts to rise quickly and you will be desperate to find the guess the Iconic answers. If you feel stuck and confuse when you play this game especially on level 6 – 10, don’t worry We have a solution to solve it. Just check the answers below.
Iconic Answers Level 6-10
Iconic Answers Level 6
- A Cherry = Neneh Cherry
- Mute Icon + A Lamb = Silence of The Lambs
- People Having Sex + Gun = Sex Pistols
- A Heart with An Arrow = Courtney Love
- A Robot + A Cop = Robocop
- A Stone + A Rose = Stone Roses
- A Knight on A Horse = Phil Knights
- A Cat + A Woman = Catwoman
- Two People with Propellers for Head = Propellerheads
- An Arc = Joan of Arc
Iconic Answers Level 7
- A Man Playing Piano = The Pianist
- An Eyelash + The Equation of 14×3 = Blink 182
- A Rock = Oliver Stone
- A Code of Numbers = The Matrix
- Fire + Lips = The Flaming Lips
- Donald Duck + Cards = Donald Trump
- A Shutter + A Beach = Shutter Island
- A Man Throwing The Trash = Garbage
- A Hawk = Tony Hawk
- Number 7 + Samuari Warrior = Seven Samurai
Iconic Answers Level 8
- Two Scorpions = Scorpions
- Block Table + A Hammer = Will Smith
- A Blade + Man Running = Blade Runner
- Smiley Face + Calendar = Happy Mondays
- Letter X = David Cross
- Four Rows of Monkeys = 12 Monkeys
- Unidentified Flying Object = UFO
- Man with Walking Sticks = Paul Walker
- 78+23 and A Dog = 101 Dalmatians
- Religious Symbol + Priest = Judas Priest
Iconic Answers Level 9
- Orange Cartoon Cat = Andrew Garfield
- Salt Shaker = Salt
- Two Men with Hammers = The Smiths
- A Baby + A Man =Nicole Kidman
- People Having Sex + City Landscape = Sex and The City
- A Planet with A Ring Around it = Orbital
- Gas Station with D Letter = Vin Diesel
- A Globe = Earth
- A Man with A Radio as His Head = Radiohead
- A Limousine = Abraham Lincoln
Iconic Answers Level 10
- Bull Head + Arrows = Raging Bull
- Swedish Flag + A House + A Man with Cigarette = Swedish House Mafia
- Church on the Hill = Winston Churchill
- Heart with Beat + Phi Symbol = Life of Pi
- Stone + Two Arrow = Rolling Stones
- A Fox + A Letter ‘X’ = Jamie Foxx
- Earth with A Slash Through it + A Man with A Cane = No Country for Old Men
- Two Swans = Swans
- Entrance with Gates = Bill Gates
- A Man + A Jersey with Number 13 = Apollo 13
We hope those Iconic Answers Level 6 – 10 above will help you to conquer these level easily. Once you complete it, prepare yourself to go to the next levels.