Pokemon Prism (hack) Cheat Codes for GBA4iOS
I wasn’t too keen on playing Pokemon Prism for a variety of reasons. The most obvious of these would be the fact that the ROM hack is based off of the Pokemon Gold ROM. Now for those who’re unfamiliar with their Pokemon game history, Gold was one of the hallmark titles for the Gameboy Color.
Although it was great for its time, the game featured a smaller number of Pokemon compared to succeeding games in the third generation (e.g. Fire Red and Leaf Green). Honestly, I was expecting for the worst the moment I booted up Pokemon Prism on GBA4iOS. Now imagine my surprise when I checked the time on my phone to find that I’ve been playing the game for 4 hours straight!
Should You Use Cheats?
The great thing about Pokemon Prism is the fact that you don’t really need to use cheats to enjoy it. Aside from losing track of time, I also forgot to input some of the cheat codes that I researched about in preparation for my playthrough of the game.
Not everyone might have the same experience as I did so I’ve also listed down a couple of the cheat codes for you, my dear readers. If you’re ready to play Pokemon Prism then I suggest you list the following cheats down on your phone or notebook (whichever you prefer).
Working Cheats
Remember that Pokemon Gold was released more than a decade ago and for the Gameboy Color at that. The Game Shark cheat codes that I’m going to list down might seem alien to you if you’ve been used to using the ones for the third generation of games. Worry not though because the method of enabling these doesn’t differ from that of the more recent titles.
Walk Through Walls (GameShark/Action Replay)
What’s a Pokemon game without this cheat? You’re probably sick and tired of seeing this type of cheat in my write-ups but then again, it is really handy. The only caveat of this cheat is that you can’t go inside doors when it’s enabled. For traversing long distances though, this can be quite handy.
Always On Bike
This cheat allows you to run/travel faster and can be a good alternative/companion cheat for Walk Through Walls.
Lots of Money
Using this cheat will give you around 66000 Poke Dollars to use as you see fit. Resetting the amount that you spent is a simple matter of disabling and then re-enabling the cheat on your GBA4iOS.
Infinite Master Balls in Slot 1
When it comes to catching Pokemon, nothing beats a Master Ball except an infinite number of Master Balls. This cheat will give you 99 Master Balls in the first slot of your Pack’s Poke Ball/Med pocket. You’ll have a formidable team of Pokemon in no time when you couple this cheat with the Pokemon encounter codes that I’ve listed below.
Pokemon Encounter Codes
For some reason, Koolboyman changed the names and sprites of some of the legendary Pokemon. Don’t worry though since the ones I chose are just as strong (if not stronger depending on how you raise their levels) as their Pokemon Gold/Silver versions.
As I made additional research about Pokemon Prism, I realized that it actually got voted by PokeCommunity as its ROM Hack of the Year back in 2007. Overall, Pokemon Prism has been an eye-opener for me in terms of its gameplay and playability.
Not all good Pokemon ROM hacks have to be based off of Fire Red/Leaf Green or Ruby/Sapphire. I also had the impression that Koolboyman did a great job at polishing Pokemon Prism. In fact, I didn’t encounter many issues while playing (other than with Walk through Walls not working at times) even though the version I played was still in Beta.
If you’d like to add your own Pokemon Prism (hack) cheat codes for GBA4iOS, then make sure to share/write them down in the comments section below!
Here are all GameShark for Pokemon Prism
Fight Any Pokemon
Replace xx with:
01: Bulbasaur
02: Ivysaur
03: Venusaur
04: Charmander
05: Charmeleon
06: Charizard
07: Squirtle
08: Wartortle
09: Blastoise
0A: Caterpie
0B: Metapod
0C: Butterfree
0D: Chingling
0E: Chimecho
0F: Torkoal
10: Pidgey
11: Pidgeotto
12: Pidgeot
13: Taillow
14: Swellow
15: Spearow
16: Fearow
17: Buneary
18: Lopunny
19: Pikachu
1A: Raichu
1B: Shinx
1C: Luxio
1D: Luxray
1E: Electrike
1F: Manectric
20: Snorunt
21: Glalie
22: Froslass
23: Volbeat
24: Illumise
25: Vulpix
26: Ninetails
27: Jigglypuff
28: Wigglytuff
29: Zubat
2A: Golbat
2B: Aron
2C: Lairon
2D: Aggron
2E: Paras
2F: Parasect
30: Venonat
31: Venomoth
32: Bronzor
33: Bronzong
34: Skorupi
35: Drapion
36: Cranidos
37: Rampardos
38: Shieldon
39: Bastiodon
3A: Growlithe
3B: Arcanine
3C: Whismur
3D: Loudred
3E: Exploud
3F: Abra
40: Kadabra
41: Alakazam
42: Machop
43: Machoke
44: Machamp
45: Bellsprout
46: Weepinbell
47: Victreebell
48: Tentacool
49: Tentacruel
4A: Geodude
4B: Graveler
4C: Golem
4D: Ponyta
4E: Rapidash
4F: Slowpoke
50: Slowbro
51: Magnemite
52: Magneton
53: Magnezone
54: Drifloon
55: Drifblim
56: Sabeleye
57: Spiritomb
58: Shuppet
59: Banette
5A: Duskull
5B: Dusclops
5C: Gastly
5D: Haunter
5E: Gengar
5F: Onix
60: Lunatone
61: Solrock
62: Vibrava
63: Flygon
64: Makuhita
65: Hariyama
66: Exeggcute
67: Exeggcutor
68: Cacnea
69: Cacturne
6A: Hitmonlee
6B: Hitmonchan
6C: Trapinch
6D: Koffing
6E: Weezing
6F: Rhyhorn
70: Rhydon
71: Chansey
72: Tangela
73: Kangaskhan
74: Tangrowth
75: Mawile
76: Goldeen
77: Seaking
78: Lotad
79: Lombre
7A: Ludicolo
7B: Scyther
7C: Relicanth
7D: Electabuzz
7E: Magmar
7F: Electivire
80: Magmortar
81: Magikarp
82: Gyarados
83: Absol
84: Ditto
85: Eevee
86: Vaporeon
87: Jolteon
88: Flareon
89: Porygon
8A: Varaneous
8B: Lileep
8C: Cradily
8D: Anorith
8E: Armaldo
8F: Snorlax
90: Articuno
91: Zapdos
92: Moltres
93: Beldum
94: Metang
95: Metagross
96: Mewtwo
97: Mew
98: Chikorita
99: Bayleef
9A: Meganium
9B: Cyndaquil
9C: Quilava
9D: Typhlosion
9E: Totodile
9F: Croconaw
A0: Feraligatr
A1: Sentret
A2: Furret
A3: Ralts
A4: Kirlia
A5: Gardevoir
A6: Gallade
A7: Spinarak
A8: Ariados
A9: Crobat
AA: Chinchou
AB: Lanturn
AC: Pichu
AD: Carnivine
AE: Igglybuff
AF: Togepi
B0: Togetic
B1: Natu
B2: Xatu
B3: Mareep
B4: Flaaffy
B5: Ampharos
B6: Togekiss
B7: Marill
B8: Azumaril
B9: Numel
BA: Camerupt
BB: Wailmer
BC: Wailord
BD: Surskit
BE: Masquerain
BF: Shroomish
C0: Breloom
C1: Yanma
C2: Yanmega
C3: Leafeon
C4: Espeon
C5: Umbreon
C6: Murkrow
C7: Slowking
C8: Misdreavus
C9: Mismagius
CA: Swablu
CB: Altaria
CC: Pineco
CD: Forretress
CE: Rhypherior
CF: Gligar
D0: Steelix
D1: Gliscor
D2: Feebas
D3: Milotic
D4: Scizor
D5: Riolu
D6: Lucario
D7: Sneasel
D8: Teddiursa
D9: Ursaring
DA: Slugma
DB: Magcargo
DC: Swinub
DD: Piloswine
DE: Gible
DF: Gabite
E0: Garchomp
E1: Bagon
E2: Shelgon
E3: Salamence
E4: Houndour
E5: Houndoom
E6: Mamoswine
E7: Phanpy
E8: Donphan
E9: Porygon2
EA: PorygonZ
EB: Weavile
EC: Tyrogue
ED: Hitmontop
EE: Fambaco
EF: Elekid
F0: Magby
F1: Sylveon
F2: Blissey
F3: Groudon
F4: Kyogre
F5: Rayquaza
F6: Larvitar
F7: Pupitar
F8: Tyranitar
F9: Lugia
FA: Ho-oh
FB: Raiwato
FD: Egg (hatching will hatch an egg only)
Level xx All Pokemon You Fight
Crystal – 91xx13D2
Replace xx with the Following:
Type in the Level you want:
Replace xx with:
NOTE: When you lv up from 255 your Pokemon will want to learn all the attacks so you can pick the moves instead of waiting. Also works when you pick up your POKEMON from the breeding center and Elm?s Lab.
Fight a Shiny Pokemon
NOTE: You can’t run away from shiny pok?mon.
Exp. Points Modifier:
Exp. Points Modifier (Larger) 1st 01xx32DA 91xxE7DC
Exp. Points Modifier (Shorter) 01xx33DA 91xxE8DC
Exp. Points Modifier (Smaller) 01xx34DA 91xxE9DC
Level Modifier Codes
Replace xx with:
00: Lv0
64: Lv100
FF: Lv255
1st 01xx49DA 91xxFEDC
2nd 01xx79DA 91xx2EDC
3rd 01xxA9DA 91xx5EDC
4th 01xxD9DA 91xx8EDC
5th 01xx09DB 91xxBEDC
6th 01xx39DB 91xxEEDC
Note: This may mess up a POKEMON when it?s ready to grow, Use a POKEMON that is strong, but doesn?t need 3 EXP.Points to grow a LEVEL, to battle while using this code.
Note 2: Instead of using this code you could use the Experience Points Modifier Code (Above) to avoid this problem.
The Pokemon wont get it’s new level right away, the trick is to deposit the Pokemon in pc and then withdraw it back to see it’s effect. .
Pokemon’s Happiness Modifier
1st 01xx45DA 91xxFADC
2nd 01xx75DA 91xx2ADD
3rd 01xxA5DA 91xx5ADD
4th 01xxD5DA 91xx8ADD
5th 01xx05DB 91xxBADD
6th 01xx35DB 91xxEADD
Replace xx with one of the following digits:
00: (0) Means your Pokemon hates you (sets Frustration’s base at 102.)
46: (70) Is where you start from after catching or trading.
DA: (218) Is the requirement for happiness evolution.
FF: (255) Is the maximum. (This will set Return’s base damage to 102.)
pokemon level modifier
modify Level of All Pokemon You Fight
replace xx with desired level
catch any pokemon!!!
replace the following numbers with xx
01- bulbasaur
02- ivasaur
03- venusaur
04- charmender
05- charmelion
06- charizard
07- squirtle
08- wartortle
09- blastoise
0a- caterpie
0b- metapod
0c- butterfree
0d- chingling
0e- chimecho
0f- torkoal
10- pidgey
11- pidgeotto
12- pidgeot
13- taillow
14- swellow
15- spearow
16- fearow
17- buneary
18- lopunny
19- pikachu
1a- raichu
1b- shinx
1c- luxio
1d- luxray
1e- electrike
1f- manectric
20- snorunt
21- glalie
22- froslass
23- volbeat
24- illumise
25- vulpix
26- ninetales
27- jigglypuff
28- wigglypuff
29- zubat
2a- golbat
2b- aron
2c- lairon
2d- aggron
2e- paras
2f- parasect
30- venonat
31- venomoth
32- bronzor
33- bronzong
34- skorpi
35- drapion
36- cranidos
37- rampardos
38- sheildon
39- bastiodon
3a- growlithe
3b- arcanine
3c- whismur
3d- loudred
3e- exploud
3f- abra
40- kadabra
41- alakazam
42- machop
43- machoke
44- machamp
45- bellsprout
46- weepinbell
47- victrebell
48- tentacool
49- tentacruel
4a- geodude
4b- gravler
4c- golem
4d- ponyta
4e- rapidash
4f- slowpoke
50- slowbro
51- magnemite
52- magneton
53- magnezone
54- drifloon
55- drifblim
56- sableye
57- spiritomb
58- shuphet
59- banette
5a- duskull
5b- dusclops
5c- gasty
5d- haunter
5e- ganger
5f- onix
60- lunatone
61- solrock
62- vibrava
63- flygon
64- makuhita
65- hariyama
66- exeggcute
67- exeggutor
68- cacnea
69- cacturn
6a- hitmonlee
6b- hitmonchan
6c- trapinch
6d- koffing
6e- weezing
6f- rhyhorn
70- rhydon
71- chansey
72- tangela
73- kangaskan
74- tangrowth
75- mawile
76- goldeen
77- seaking
78- lotad
79- lombre
7a- ludicolo
7b- scyther
7c- relicanth
7d- electabuzz
7e- magmar
7f- electivire
80- magmortar
81- magicarp
82- gyrados
83- absol
84- ditto
85- eevee
86- vaporeon
87- jolteon
88- flareon
89- porygon
8b- lileep
8c- cradily
8d- anorith
8e- armaldo
8f- snorlax
90- articuno
91- zapdos
92- moltres
93- beldum
94- metang
95- metagross
96- mewtwo
97- mew
98- chicorita
99- bayleaf
9a- meganium
9b- cyndaquil
9c- quilava
9d- typhlosion
9e- totodile
9f- crocnow
a0- feraligator
a1- sentret
a2- furret
a3- ralts
a4- kirlia
a5- gardevior
a6- gallade
a7- spinarak
a8- aridos
a9- crobat
aa- chinchou
ab- lanturn
ac- pichu
ad- carnivine
ae- iglibuff
af- togepi
b0- togetic
b1- natu
b2- xatu
b3- mareep
b4- flaffy
b5- ampharos
b6- togekiss
b7- maril
b8- azumaril
b9- numel
ba- camerupt
bb- wailmer
bc- wailord
bd- surskit
be- masquerain
bf- shroomish
c0- breloom
c1- yanma
c2- yanmega
c3- leafeon
c4- espeon
c5- umbreon
c6- glaceon
c7- slowking
c8- misdrevus
c9- mismagius
ca- swablu
cb- altrai
cc- pineco
cd- forretress
ce- rhyperior
cf- gligar
d0- steelix
d1- gliscor
d2- feebas
d3- milotic
d4- scizor
d5- riolu
d6- lucario
d7- sneasel
d8- teddisura
d9- ursaring
da- slugma
db- magcargo
dc- swinb
dd- piloswine
de- gibon
df- gabite
e0- garchomp
e1- bogon
e2- shelgon
e3- salamence
e4- houndour
e5- houndoom
e6- mamoswine
e7- phanpy
e8- donphan
e9- poryzon-2
ea- poryzon-z
eb- weavle
ec- tyrogue
ed- hitmontop
ee- fambaco
ef- elekid
f0- magby
f1- syvlion
f2- blissy
f3- groudon
f4- kyogre
f5- rayquaza
f6- lavitar
f7- pupitar
f8- tynitar
f9- lugia
fa- ho-oh
fb- raiwato
fc- phancero
fe- libabeel
looking for mewtwo code
Could someone just give the rare candy code?
Plz and Thx
Never mind that stupid game lost all my progress
912067d8 rare candy
916368d8 x99
Good evening, there would be a code for rare candy?
I didn’t get the keys for opening the mansion door in ghost cave in boston city .#pokemon prism.
prism is definitely a pokemon crystal based hack not gold